Ceci est une version archivée de BilskrotUddevallaplockasjaelv à 2024-04-01 16:20:05
How To Get And Keep A Girlfriend
How To Get A Girlfriend With Jules Winnifield
How To Talk To Women – 11 Sins
Online Dating False Claims, Nasty Statistics And Marriage
Daytime Dating – Never Sleep Alone
Online Dating Advice – Show Don’t Tell
Online Dating Advice: Action Over Information
Love Dating: What Everyone Really Wants + Why Letting Your Willy Lead Is Wrong

As you talk and laugh you even throw in a little kino as you lightly touch his bicep and say “Wow you really tackled that guy… kickboxing class never taught me that!” (Or something hopefully less cheesy that that lol)

You openly check him out for just a flash of a second, letting your eyes linger on his form (he’ll get the hint if he has any sense). You blind him with your smile as your friends and onlookers join in the admiration and give him instant social status.

You ask how you can thank him… Hopefully a this point he goes for it and asks for your number/drinks/dinner.

Oh wait… LA is in Hollywood right? Oops. I was thinking more about Bollywood. ;-) lol


Somebody please send these Asian kids Hope and LSB back to East and South Asia respectively!!!!

Lady Raine Says:
April 22, 2010 at 9:40 PM
LR said: “Maybe it’s just me, but when a man needs me to “nurture” him, care for him, clean up after him, and cook for him…..I pretty much feel the way I do when raising children or a pet. ”

Exactly. Yet ironically enough, in her blog Hope says the exact opposite. That a man who does this for himself will lose “respect” in the eyes of his woman because a “primal” need of a woman is to be “servile” to her man otherwise she can’t “love” him.


If a man needed me to be “servile” to him I guarantee you that I could neither love nor respect him. He would be a helpless child in my eyes, not a real man.

On the otherhand if a man did all the housework and cooking for me, I’d really, really appreciate him for it.

Hope has got it all backwards.

But then again, she came from East Asia.

Excellent, Desi.